Anyone who knows me knows I like to experiment, to learn and to try new things. I like to push the envelope, I like to create side projects, and interesting messes. There's nothing more calming to me than walking in on a big, minimally organized, pile of stuff. Likewise I find few things as menacing as pristine corners, and precision-straightened desks and shelves. More on where I get this possible neurosis in the next installment of "Redundant Autobiographical Stuff About Me" coming to an amateur blog near you.
So I like to think I could tackle most anything. Being what's called "Right-Brained" I am grouped in with all extra- creative, -emotional, -sensitive, and -romantic people. Included in my list of things I know I'd like is custom paint jobs for cars and bikes and planes and such. I'll custom paint your kids' little wagons if you pay me (and I'll accept payment in the form of food. We can barter, especially if you're a chef.)
What else? Let's see, I was recently intrigued by the idea of hosting a zine exchange or at the very least participating in one. Just another rock in a mountain of inspiration I get from my fellow Hartford Art School alumni.
I'd love to splurge on a video camera and tape my life. Vain, I know but it's pretty interesting. My interactions with Ferrari, heated debates and whatnot. Plus, I've been begging Mr. Bucci do a podcast show with me for years now. YEARS, Mr. Bucci! We are behind, sir! We'd have all sorts of segments regarding everything from crafts and home goods to party planning to same-sex politics to just plain old snarky banter and jokes. The downside of being on tape 24/7 would be me having to buy new clothes. My day-to-day alonetime apparel is neither family-friendly nor diverse enough for viewers to be able to tell one day from another.
Something on my big TO DO list which is actually being tackled is this Sketch-A-Day side project I'm playing with to keep my right brain from atrophy. Thus far the sketches aren't completely out of my realm. I have sexy ladies, Bad Bad Naughties, and grotesque little creatures. I believe my tendency to make females extremely beautiful and males extremely not in influenced by my obsession with the art of James Christensen. Now if I could only obtain his skills with rendering printed fabric and architecture, I'd be a happier little sketchbloggist. (What's up with these new internet-driven vocab words? Are we in the future or what? I've noticed people using hyper- as a prefix more than ever, too. That's hyper-futuristic if you ask me. Notice the little things, people, to get over the whole "everyone wearing silver and driving floating cars" things. Those indicators of living in the future are just not logical, and in the future, that's just what we don't want!)
I suppose another installment of Stuff From My Big TO-DO List is warranted. I don't like to spend more than a few minutes per post or I start to feel like my computer is zapping my will to live. It is my every hope that the next installment will have more things I'm actually accomplishing. Here's hoping I learn some new skills or at least weed my vegetable garden!
(Pictured: A crappy cell phone pic of a path at University of Hartford, my alma mater)
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