I haven't updated in months and months. Here are some of the pieces I've created since then, and a doodle. This first little creature isn't very photogenic, the light washed out the green and pink pattern in its skin, and the gloss on the eyes and mouth. Considering the fact that it's wearing a little flapper dress I suppose I'll add some hair and call her a female...

My version of mass production. I like to keep each piece one-of-a-kind at all costs.

This lil' guy has a hand puppet that torments him. This one is probably the most autobiographical piece I've made yet. Like all of my creatures it just formed organically, with no planning. The hand puppet was the result of my trying to counterbalance his big head. IN the end, I consider it a little analogy for me causing my own problems as well as giving them more consideration than they deserve. I can't make this text non- linky.


Ferrari in bed, on the computer

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