Monday, May 7, 2012

Do Your Fang

Today I called upon Michael Bucci to have some fun and brainstorm animal puns. Here is what we created:

  1. Rock Mobster
  2. beer froggles
  3. I'm not one to boast or stag
  4. I'm abstaining, I'm just a cuttlefish
  5. Foul ball
  6. Focus on the tusk at hand/multi-tusker/tusk manager
  7. Old-fashioned roman-tick
  8. Grouper Model
  9. De-panda-ble
  10. A-roar-able
  11. Where there's a whale, there's a way
  12. Koalaty time
  13. If you wallaby me lover
  14. If I kangaroo, I don't want nobody else
  15. From the gecko
  16. Full frontal newtity
  17. Ewe reap what you sow (pig)
  18. Do your fang
  19. Squid Pro Quo
  20. A lemur of hope
  21. Centaur of attention
  22. Wait a minotaur
  23. Owl always love you
  24. Owl about the benjamins
  25. Sexual Eeling
  26. You make me wanna snout
  27. I'm yours and hermine
  28. Do my breasts still look turkey?
  29. Spun-taneous combustion (spider)
  30. Plastic sturgeon
  31. I have feelers for you
  32. You hurt my felines
  33. On a scale of tentacles, you're a solid 8
  34. Cobra cabana
  35. Porcupining for you
  36. I think you're oppossum
  37. It is im-parrot-tive that I see you
  38. Canary me home tonight
  39. If it's at all fossilble
  40. Rape and Plumage: Pirates of the Caribbirdie
  41. Don't be koy, I just fish you would squawk to me
  42. From tusk til fawn
  43. From duck til swan
  44. I've heard whiskers about mew
  45. Seaweed get along if you weren't so shellfish
  46. I don't look at girls' eyes, just thorax
  47. Rough giraffed
  48. Big wedding or just antelope?
  49. I think she handled that with greys and elephants
  50. Panther no panth, I'm going danthing
  51. I don't mean to hurt your pride, but you've been lion around all day.
  52. I'm very fawned of you
  53. You gotta be kitten me
  54. Bison-tennial
  55. Beeftween the meats
  56. I don't mean to burrow, badger seeming a little brown.
  57. Take her or beaver.... AND MY PERSONAL FAVORITE....
  58. A-parrot-ly you won't answer macaws

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